Q. What does CPR stand for?
Ans. It stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It is the skill needed when a person is in cardiac arrest to provide blood flow to the heart and brain.
Q. What is AED stand for?
Ans. It stands for automated external defibrillator. It is a device used to shock the heart when in cardiac arrest by a lay person.
Q. What are the warning signs of a heart attack?
Ans. Chest pain possibly spreading to the left or right arm, neck, jaw, or center of the back, shortness of breath, heavy sweating and nausea. Actions for anyone experiencing the signs or symptoms should be to lie or sit quietly and call doctor right away.
Q. What are the warning signs of a stroke?
Ans. Sudden severe onset of a headache, weakness or inability to move one side of the body or the other, facial droop, slurred speech, and vision disturbance. Actions for anyone experiencing these signs or symptoms should be to lie or sit quietly and call doctor right away.
Q. Can I kill someone if I do CPR incorrectly?
Ans. No. Remember the person in cardiac arrest is already clinically dead. CPR can only help. Even if it's not done "letter perfect" it will probably provide some benefit to the victim.